Tropical Transmutations
Imagining Florida flora and fauna as an abstracted animated essence. Inspired by slithering reptiles, perched critters, and burrowed entities.

Archeological Photogrammetry Assets
Fascination with antiquties has always lured me into learning more about their mysterious origins. I have taken photgrammetry scans from various museums and compiled them into curated interiors. Camera tracking imported from a phone recording in order to create an air of voyerism and undeliberated observation.
Provenance of objects in image 1:
Provenance of objects in image 2:
Provenance of objects in image 3:

Cyber Ancient
Exploring modalities of past and future, essences existing via synergy of ancient and cyber.
This animation series presents various sentient biomorphic essences that exist in liminal spaces untethered to a specific time and place - rather their amalgamation. The cyber world is always demanding for information to be compressed condensed, optimized. Here, the past is condensed and regurgitated.
The attempt to more closely leverage 3D animations to my personal interests has its difficulties, as inherently the 3D animation medium is cyber-centric and has no noble provenance that traditional tangible objects’ possess. Free floating pixels in a technological void. This added layer of meaning can often add a tacky, corny patina to digital work. The tension caused by the bifurcating pursuits has been a catalyst to reimagine the role of 3D work. Unlike many mediums, its aesthetic domain has inherently been tethered to consumerism and promoting products by means of recreating them, which inherently robs the work of a certain independence and noblility.
My interests have never lied in the shiny and the new. Antiquities of various sorts have always had a strong hold on me. Cave drawings, petroglyphs, antiques, artworks, unusual eccentric trinkets and tchotchkies. Things that were made by hands that have stories, things that inherently represent condensed history, things with anthropological significance.